How to Outsmart Your Inner Critic
The “Inner Critic” is that judgmental, sometimes mean or relentless voice inside your head. The one that tells you you’re not good...
3 Signs You Could Be Anxious Without Knowing It
We all know that there's stigma around anxiety. Nobody wants to say, "I’m an anxious person" or "I’m experiencing anxiety." Although many...
What is Burnout?
Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. It can be a result of experiencing long-term stress in your job, such as...
The 5 strangest phobias you ever heard of
Someone is said to have a Phobia, when they are very scared of particular people, animals, objects or situations without any reasonable...
3 Easy Ways to Bust Anxiety and Overwhelm, and to Achieve More with More Fun
The most common complaint clients come to me with, which they sometimes see as a cause of their anxiety, is a sense of feeling...
Are you hypervigilant?
With hypervigilance we describe an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity, or hypersensitivity, usually complemented by an exaggerated...
Can you live bravely?
Almost every week I speak to someone about their social anxiety. Anxiety being another word for fear. People with a social anxiety...
Does a high sugar diet worsen anxiety and depression?
Your thoughts are like a running commentary in your life. These thoughts help you tell the story of who you are. They influence how you...